Tag: Column

Columna: Las Mujeres en México Celebran Estar Vivas en el Día Internacional de la Mujer

Columna: Las Mujeres en México Celebran Estar Vivas en el Día Internacional de la Mujer

By Mara Durán Domínguez Vivir bajo el aguijón de la violencia es el “status quo” de muchas mujeres alrededor del mundo y México no es la excepción. De acuerdo a la revista Forbes, “México es un lugar cada vez más hostil para ser mujer; con altos índices de violencia, inseguridad e inequidad de género, el país cayó al puesto 60 de 80 en el ranking de los mejores países para ser mujer el US News & World Report de 2019.” La gente se enfrenta a la violencia todos los días, aunque para algunos no es una forma normal de vivir, a veces las personas aceptan el abuso con naturalidad.  La violencia de género nace en los micro machismos, un ejemplo muy común son los actos en los que se devalúa a la mujer, este tipo de maltrato desapercibido cuando la mujer es ofendida por sus padres o por algui...

Opinion: Curfew Shutdowns in Tucson Prove Ineffective

By Troy Hutchinson Since late November, Tucson was on a lockdown and was supposed to end on Dec. 23 but was extended by Pima County, forcing businesses and bars to close their doors at 10 p.m. Local businesses grew frustrated as the lockdown started to creep into the new year, causing their company to lose revenue, making it harder to stay open during these difficult times. With frustration growing, local businesses Cobra Arcade Bar, HireWire Lounge, The Maverick and Union Public House joined together to file a lawsuit against Pima County, demining the curfew unlawful on Jan. 5, according to The Arizona Daily Star. That lawsuit overturned the curfew and opened companies up on Jan. 20, going back to business as usual.  After talking to some local bar owners, no one was willing to go on t...
Column: Fortitude for the season

Column: Fortitude for the season

Photo by Gabby Orcutt By Kevin Hartung Seems like there is extraordinarily little to be thankful for this year. COVID is still with us. The election has sparked more contentious actions. Unemployment has left families with few resources to sweeten the Christmas season. Businesses are attempting to recoup losses after a devastating lockdown and a population left in short supply of expendable capital. Even Hollywood is generating entertainment in a restrictive environment despite theater chains closing their doors. One might claim that there is little rationale for celebration. Yet, the holiday season is just around the corner, and Americans are not defined by their politics. We are not shaped by our sufferings. We find the reserves to survive and to commemorate the season. As always when ...

Column: Serious Thinking

By Kevin Hartung How do you solve societal problems with people who are not seriously thinking them through and coming to rational and workable solutions? Partisanship has mobilized the masses. The ‘us vs. them’ mentality of the populace is escalating. Volatile debates between political opponents have intensified stronger hostilities between the constituencies. Our Founding Fathers were leery of identity politics and warned against it. James Madison addressed the destructive behavior of ‘factions.’ He states in The Federalist Papers No. 10, “Among the numerous advantages promised by a well-constructed Union, none deserves to be more accurately developed than its tendency to break and control the violence of faction.” Meaning the inherent nature of ‘faction’ is violence and the union mus...