Japanese Culture Appreciation Day
Where: Pima Community College Downtown Campus, 1255 N. Stone Ave., Amethyst Room
When: 4-5:30 p.m. (exhibition) 5:30-8:30 p.m. main event May 9
Admission: Free
All people from across the world should be respected for their unique culture and way of life.
With that being said, Pima Community College has a diverse language department that teaches such languages as Arabic, Spanish, Japanese and Native American. It’s safe to say that if you are interested in learning a language, there are plenty of choices.
Recently, Japanese classes are collaborating with Downtown Campus in order to celebrate Japanese Culture Appreciation Day. According to Kazuyo Keller, a Japanese language instructor at PCC, this is not the first culture appreciation event.
“We had such a fun and successful culture day (last year) that one student suggested we should have a culture day event outside of the classroom,” Keller said.
Not only was the event successful, but Keller also mentioned that 90 percent of JPN101 students registered for the advanced Japanese courses offered.
The events are sure to entertain, and entry is free. There will be traditional Japanese archery demonstrations along with dances and drums during the event.
According to Keller, snacks will be provided. There also will be a cosplay contest open to those who wish to enter. All participants in the contest must sign up before May 5.