Month: November 2018

Pima Briefs: Monaco named the acting athletic director

Pima Briefs: Monaco named the acting athletic director

Photos and story By JOE GIDDENS Pima Football Head Coach Jim Monaco was named the acting athletic director of Pima Community College on Oct. 29.  Edgar Soto, who held the athletic director position for 11 years, is moving on to become president of the Desert Vista Campus.  Monaco started at Pima in 2011, and will be the school's final football coach as the program ends this season. After Pima Community College Chancellor Lee Lambert announced the appointment during a press conference, he said that more sports programs probably are going to be terminated at Pima. No specific sports programs were named, however, and a timeline was not given by the college’s administration.       
Letter From the Editor: Never know when you need a bit of information

Letter From the Editor: Never know when you need a bit of information

 A few years back, I got into a black Escalade with a group of strangers.  At the time, I was working at Dinosaur National Monument straddling the Utah-Colorado state line, standing at the front desk looking out the window on the other side of the Visitor Center admiring pronghorns.  There’s an odd mix of experience watching wildlife in an alfa field while the Green River runs through your field of vision. The untamed life, with the untamed for that stretch of the Green River but signs of civilization be it the farm house and deer blinds across the river or the feeling of air conditioning against my scalp.      It was then that the black Escalade pulled in. A man got out and introduced himself as being part of the entourage that was with the president of Zambia, who just finished with o...


By JOE GIDDENS Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals recipients are a diverse group of young people. “People think that DACA recipients ares solely Mexican or Latinx identity are from Hispanic back grounds, which is mostly true here in Arizona, but actually nationwide that’s far from true,” said Mira Patel of ScholarshipsA-Z. Patel herself is an embodiment of that. She was born and raised in London by her Indian parents and moved to Northern Arizona at a young age. DACA recipients come from all different backgrounds, nations and languages. However, 80 percent of DACA recipients were born in Mexico, according to U.S.Citizenship and Immigration Services. “A great thing about ScholarshipsA-Z is we also combat that, that narrative of who an emergent is or who undocumented immigrant is,” P...