Letter from the Editor


Starting this semester, I was not sure I was going to have the ability to be the editor of the Aztec Press. 

But after much thought and consideration, I threw myself into it. 

This is mostly due to the support of my amazing friends, including Josh, Erik, Andrea and the support that I have found here in this newsroom by my fellow Co-editor Joseph Giddens, my adviser Valerie Vinyard and the Aztec Press’ business manager, Joshua Manis. 

These people stand tall behind my efforts, and I am eternally grateful for everything they have done for me. 

To most people, becoming editor of their college newspaper isn’t a big deal, but it is to me. I have never done anything like this before, so I thought it was only appropriate to make my first letter to the editor a list of gratitude toward all the people I’m indebted to and are responsible for all of my success. 

The amount of hard work and dedication put forth by student journalists to put on a college newspaper is tremendous. The one thing I can say with certainty is that I’m glad I met these people, and it’s hard to remember a time before I knew them. 

The one thing that is important to remember is that the audience of student newspapers is as important as the individuals taking the time to write these stories. 

As Katharine Graham, former publisher of the Washington Post, once said: “News is what someone wants suppressed. Everything else is advertising. The power is to set the agenda. What we print and what we don’t print matter a lot.” 

But I can not begin to move toward the future without taking a glance back into my past.

First, I want to give special thanks to all of my high school teachers for helping me become the person I am. 

I’d like to thank these educators in particular for making my world brighter: 

Mr. Golden, for giving me my thick skin and for reminding me that perseverance pays off in the long run. The material you taught was not that difficult. I just needed to care more. 

Mr. Breckenfeld, for teaching me that a path to a better world comes by questioning all the things you think you know. 

Ms. Wingate, for showing me that the only way to truly be brave is by tackling things head on. 

Profe Harden, for teaching me that unconditional love doesn’t have to be limited to a mother and her daughter.

Finally, Ms. Terpning and the whole science department at Flowing Wells High School for the kind and encouraging words.

Thank you for pushing me toward success despite my tears and fears of failure. Thank you for teaching me how to think for myself. I owe all of you so much and I just wanted to take the time to thank you for all of the things you do for your students. The world is a better place when people like you are teaching students.

For everyone reading this, take the time to thank and appreciate your mentors in life, but most importantly, the teachers in your life.

As a last note: I’m just a girl writing for readers asking them to love the Aztec Press as much as I do.