Tag: pima clubs

‘The Misadventures of Larry and Lucy Luckless’ – Episode three

‘The Misadventures of Larry and Lucy Luckless’ – Episode three

The Misadventures of Larry and Lucy Luckless by Arthor Bookes, Editor-in-Chief of the PCC Creative Writing Club   Welcome, everyone, back to a new season of The Misadventures! We’re so excited to see our beloved characters return to print. Last episode, Lucy stole her neighbor’s horse to save her brother’s life - a noble cause, no doubt! But now, she’s going to have to face the consequences of defying Dewey Donaldson. Read all about it in - The Misadventures of Larry and Lucy Luckless!   The gritty stone of the jailhouse wall pressed cold against Lucy’s skin. Dimming shafts of sunshine drifted through the small barred window. She looked up, watching the motes of desert dust float back and forth. Sighing, she lowered her head and struggled to think of a way out. *** Earlier that d...